Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Happy Independence Day

India’s Independence after 60 years

We have reached sixty years of our independence and it’s a proud moment for all of us. Democracy, Strong Defense, Science and Technology, overall economic growth as well as Industrial development are the key areas of success. We have made a global mark especially in the IT sector, Pharmaceuticals, Science and Technology (Nuclear, Space-Rocket etc.), Spirituality, Yoga, (even Kamasutra), Entertainment (Bolly-wood etc...) and Defense. Indian economy is among the fastest growing in the world. This economic boom with nine percent growth has created more and more jobs in every field. The percentage of people having minimum basic education has increased. Basic health care facilities have also improved. The percentage of people living above poverty line has also increased significantly since independence. India's GDP in terms of USD exchange-rate is US$1,103 billion, which makes it the twelfth largest economy in the world. When measured in terms of purchasing power parity (PPP), India has the world's fourth largest GDP at US$ 4.156 trillion. We have 225 billion dollars of for-ex reserves and we are ranked sixth in the world in terms of foreign-exchange reserves which is more than the GDP of many small countries like U.A.E. (Dubai), Singapore [4]. We have around 300 million strong middle class which includes all kinds of professionals. The Indian Army is the world's second largest army in terms of military personnel (after China), Indian Navy is the world's fourth largest navy, in terms of manpower and the Indian Air Force is the fourth largest air force in the world[6]. Our total defense force head count would be comparable to the population of many small countries and ranks 3rd in the list of countries by size of armed forces [7]. We have great institution of learning like IIT’s, IIM’s, BITS, IISc., TIFR, AIIMS and many other good Universities that have produced world class professionals, scientist, engineers, managers, doctors, lawyers, administrators, armed force personals and in other professions of Arts and commerce.
On family side we have the strongest family (bonding) relationships in the world and we are supposedly amongst the happiest people on earth. We are a country where sports like cricket is like religion and massively followed at least till the world-cup.

On the darker side of it, we are a nation which has extreme disparity in terms of economics. There are 36 (Thirty Six) billionaires from India (maybe a few (four) less if one discount NRI staying out-side India but still carrying Indian passport) and our country position comes fourth in global ranking (in terms of number of billionaires from a particular country), ahead of countries like UK, Canada, Saudi Arabia (actually whole of gulf countries combined), France and Japan[1]. The Gross Domestic Product (nominal) per capita income which is measure of status of a common man of India is one of the lowest in the world and even lower than that of PAKISTAN. India's per capita income (nominal) is $979, ranked 128th in the world, while its per capita (PPP) of US$3,700 is ranked 118th [2]. Rising population, unemployment and continuous increase in spreading of AIDS is a growing problem which needs to tackle HEAD-ON.

Still, they say NRI are flocking back to India but I guess most of those NRI who are coming back, are either millionaires who want to invest in India OR those who are getting comparable incomes and better position with respect to present country of stay. On the contrary there is a big line Indians who are going out of India for studying, taking up jobs (F1, H1B from India to US and other countries). (The lottery system introduced in getting H1B proves this point and Most of the people who apply for the H1B are software professionals who are already among the highest paid in the country).

I shall be more proud of India when Per Capita (nominal) income increases and becomes comparable to that of developed countries, which is in between $30,000- $45,000 per year though the number of billionaires may still increase. Caste, religion and region based phenomenon gets diluted. There is control in population growth and spread of deadly diseases like AIDS. Dowry and other social evils comes to an end. The country stops being a source of CHEAP LABOR (technical/ non-technical) to the west. Our unemployed youth should get a decent unemployment benefits (like the welfare states of the developed west). There is good, free health care, primary education and infrastructure for all (like the developed west). There is quick & accountable judicial system till the grass root level. There is an end to hawala or black-economy (money) which at present happens to be sizable part of our GDP. Lastly, our country with such a strong army is at least able to catch the most wanted dreaded Terrorist.

(Beatles: Imagine……………….
You may say I am dreamer but I am not the only one, hope some day you shall join us and India shall be No.1)
A DEVELOPED country.
Jai Hind!

Facts and Comments:
A) Statistics can be criticized but not the spirit of this message. These are my personal views based on statistics and open for criticism and modification for better.
B) ) Per capita (nominal) income of Pakistan is one rank higher in the list of countries of the world sorted by their Gross Domestic Product (nominal) per capita. Moreover they don’t have a single billionaires in there kitty (country). [2]
C) Foreign-Exchange reserves of China is number one in the world and is 1.333 trillion dollars which is more than the GDP (nominal) of India. [10]

D){In America (1. Population around 300 million,
2. Per capita income: $ 44,190
3. Billionaires: 371 )
----At the end of 2004, 66% of the identified official foreign exchange reserves in the world were held in United States dollars and 25% in euros [4].
----In US, the income distribution of the bottom 20 percent is 12,500 per individual and 19, 178 for house hold. A graduate scholar on an average who goes to US gets approximately same amount of money [11].

E) Per capita income means how much each individual receives, in monetary terms, of the yearly income that is generated in their country through productive activities. Per capita income is often used as a measure of the wealth of the population of a nation, particularly in comparison to other nations.
Gross Domestic Product (nominal) per capita, the value of all final goods and services produced within a nation in a given year, divided by the average population for the same year.
F) Not much can be said about the black money/economy or the hawala money as it is in black (there is no data for it) but whether one counts or discounts the black money, per-capita income of our fellow countrymen is one of the lowest in the world which is a c cause of concern to even common middle class man.
G) Philosophical Note: Success and happiness are not related it seems. We are all running for success and not happiness. The controversy/polarization of the society in view of reservation policy is due to our urge to achieve success as otherwise even farmer who needs no reservation to become a farmer can be happy.

1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_the_number_of_billionaires
2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_GDP_%28nominal%29_per_capita
3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Millionaire
4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreign_exchange_reserves
5. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_GDP_%28PPP%29_per_capita
6. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_military
7. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_size_of_armed_forces
8. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UAE#Economy
9. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singapore
10. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/India
11. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Income_in_the_United_States


Puja said...

Good Research work done....Keep up the sprit....

Team Bonding said...

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